UX Design experience.
I try to understand the user needs and keep balance the usability, the business plan and the development opportunities.
I've completed the MOME ID in 2017.
// mome idI try to understand the user needs and keep balance the usability, the business plan and the development opportunities.
I've completed the MOME ID in 2017.
// mome idI used Axure for a while. I just tried Justinmind, but I didn't like it so much.
I can learn something else if you wish, but in my opinion if the UX and UI Designer is a same person, it's not necessary.
My main profile is between the UI Design and Development. I tend to be a member of the Development Team rather than the Design Team.
I am thinking in design systems, I can imagine how my design looks like as a codes and discuss my ideas with the frontend crew.
// hub55 // cooperation with drukkaI work in scrum methodology with a few weeks sprints.